Whitepaper > Smart Contract Capabilities
Smart Contract Capabilities
transfer(trit27 to, trit27 amount) → trit3
Transfer tokens using ternary arithmetic
approve(trit27 spender, trit27 amount) → trit3
Approve spender to use tokens
balanceOf(trit27 account) → trit27
Get account balance in ternary format
ternaryAdd(trit27 a, trit27 b) → trit27
Add two ternary numbers
ternaryMultiply(trit27 a, trit27 b) → trit27
Multiply two ternary numbers
Read Method
Write Method
Ternary Operation
The TritToken smart contract demonstrates our ternary-based contract system, featuring methods for token transfers, approvals, and ternary arithmetic operations.
7.1 Ternary Virtual Machine
Core Implementation
Built with our Next.js/TypeScript stack:
1// Virtual Machine types and interfaces2interface TritVM {3 // Instruction set4 type Instruction = {5 opcode: TritOpCode;6 operands: TritValue[];7 };89 // Memory model10 interface MemoryState {11 stack: TritValue[];12 storage: Map<TritAddress, TritValue>;13 memory: TritValue[];14 }15}
7.2 Contract Programming Model
TypeScript Integration
Leveraging our monorepo structure:
1// Smart contract interface2interface TritContract {3 // Contract state4 interface State {5 balance: TritValue;6 storage: Map<TritAddress, TritValue>;7 owner: TritAddress;8 }910 // Contract methods11 interface Methods {12 execute(method: string, args: TritValue[]): Promise<TritValue>;13 view(method: string, args: TritValue[]): Promise<TritValue>;14 }15}1617// Contract development with Next.js18export default function ContractDevelopment() {19 return (20 <StyledContractDev>21 <Editor22 language="typescript"23 theme={tritTheme}24 onChange={handleCodeChange}25 />26 <Compiler27 code={sourceCode}28 onCompile={handleCompilation}29 />30 <Deployer31 bytecode={compiledCode}32 onDeploy={handleDeployment}33 />34 </StyledContractDev>35 );36}3738// Contract testing framework39class ContractTest {40 async testMethod(41 contract: TritContract,42 method: string,43 args: TritValue[]44 ): Promise<TestResult> {45 try {46 const result = await contract.execute(method, args);47 return { success: true, result };48 } catch (error) {49 return { success: false, error };50 }51 }52}
Our contract development environment is fully integrated with TypeScript for type safety and Next.js for optimal development experience.
7.3 Oracle Integration
Built on our React/TypeScript foundation:
1interface TritOracle {2 // Oracle types3 interface DataFeed {4 source: string;5 updateInterval: number;6 value: TritValue;7 signature: TritSignature;8 }910 // Oracle network11 interface OracleNetwork {12 nodes: OracleNode[];13 aggregator: DataAggregator;14 verifier: SignatureVerifier;15 }16}1718// Oracle implementation19class DecentralizedOracle implements TritOracle {20 private readonly network: OracleNetwork;2122 // Data fetching with Next.js API routes23 async fetchData(24 source: string25 ): Promise<DataFeed> {26 const response = await fetch('/api/oracle/fetch', {27 method: 'POST',28 body: JSON.stringify({ source })29 });30 return response.json();31 }3233 // Data verification34 async verifyData(35 feed: DataFeed36 ): Promise<boolean> {37 return this.network.verifier.verify(feed);38 }39}4041// React component for oracle monitoring42const OracleMonitor: React.FC<{43 oracle: DecentralizedOracle;44 feeds: DataFeed[];45}> = ({ oracle, feeds }) => {46 return (47 <StyledOracleView>48 <NetworkStatus network={oracle.network} />49 <FeedList feeds={feeds} />50 <VerificationStatus oracle={oracle} />51 </StyledOracleView>52 );53};
Cross-Chain Communication
1interface CrossChainBridge {2 // Bridge operations3 async function sendMessage(4 targetChain: ChainId,5 message: TritValue6 ): Promise<TxHash>;78 async function receiveMessage(9 sourceChain: ChainId,10 proof: MessageProof11 ): Promise<boolean>;12}1314// Bridge implementation with Next.js15export default function handler(16 req: NextApiRequest,17 res: NextApiResponse<BridgeResponse>18) {19 const { targetChain, message } = req.body;2021 try {22 const result = await bridge.sendMessage(targetChain, message);23 res.status(200).json({ result });24 } catch (error) {25 res.status(400).json({ error: error.message });26 }27}
Integration with Modern Stack
Our smart contract platform is fully integrated with our technology stack:
- Next.js for optimal development experience
- React components for contract interaction
- TypeScript for type-safe contract development
- Styled-components for consistent UI
- Web Workers for contract execution
- Comprehensive testing framework
Key features:
- Full TypeScript support
- React-based development tools
- Server-side rendering optimization
- Interactive contract visualization
- Internationalization support
- Automated contract testing