Privacy and Zero-Knowledge Technologies
Quantum-Resistant Steganography
Sierpinski Fractal Hash Keys
Our 3^2187 fractal hash keys provide quantum-resistant encryption with 1046 bits of security.
Sensitive Data
Securely store and transmit sensitive information on the blockchain.
Security Features
- Quantum-resistant encryption
- Perfect forward secrecy
- Statistical undetectability
- Blockchain immutability
Our 3^2187 key space provides 1046 bits of security, compared to 256 bits in traditional systems. This makes it resistant to quantum computing attacks.
Process Explanation
1Select Data & Encryption Key
Choose sensitive data and a Sierpinski fractal hash key with 3^2187 complexity for quantum-resistant security.
2Encrypt Data with Fractal Key
The data is encrypted using the fractal key, creating a secure payload that's resistant to quantum attacks.
3Embed in Cover Media
The encrypted data is embedded in the cover image using ternary steganography, making it statistically undetectable.
Ternary Audio Encryption
Ternary Modulation Techniques
Ternary Frequency Shift Keying varies the carrier frequency based on trit value:
- Trit -1: f₀-Δf
- Trit 0: f₀
- Trit +1: f₀+Δf
Ternary Phase Shift Keying shifts the signal phase based on trit value:
- Trit -1: -π/3
- Trit 0: 0
- Trit +1: +π/3
Amplitude Modulation varies the signal amplitude based on trit value:
- Trit -1: 0.75A
- Trit 0: A
- Trit +1: 1.25A
Our ternary audio encryption provides superior information density compared to binary systems, encoding 1.58 bits per symbol. The balanced ternary representation (-1, 0, +1) creates unique spectral patterns that are quantum-resistant and difficult to detect without the correct decryption key.
Quantum-Resistant Security
The 3^2187 Sierpinski fractal hash keys provide approximately 1046 bits of security, compared to the 256 bits offered by traditional binary systems. This exponential increase in key space makes our steganography solution resistant to quantum computing attacks, which can break traditional encryption methods through Shor's algorithm.
When combined with our ternary-based steganographic techniques, we achieve multiple layers of security:
- The data is encrypted with quantum-resistant fractal keys
- The encrypted data is hidden within cover media using statistical camouflage
- The embedding process mimics natural noise patterns
- Multiple layers of obfuscation prevent statistical analysis
- The blockchain provides immutable storage and verification
6.1 Ternary Sigma Protocols
Implementation Architecture
Built with our Next.js/TypeScript stack:
1interface TernarySigmaProtocol {2 // Core protocol types3 type Trit = -1 | 0 | 1;4 type Challenge = Trit;56 // Protocol components7 interface Commitment {8 value: FieldElement;9 randomness: FieldElement;10 }1112 interface Proof {13 commitment: Commitment;14 challenge: Challenge;15 response: FieldElement;16 }17}1819// React component for protocol visualization20const SigmaProtocolView: React.FC<{21 proof: TernarySigmaProtocol.Proof;22}> = ({ proof }) => {23 return (24 <StyledProtocolView>25 <CommitmentPhase data={proof.commitment} />26 <ChallengePhase value={proof.challenge} />27 <ResponsePhase value={proof.response} />28 </StyledProtocolView>29 );30};3132// Protocol implementation33class DiscreteLogProof implements TernarySigmaProtocol {34 private readonly field: TernaryField;3536 constructor(field: TernaryField) {37 this.field = field;38 }3940 async prove(41 secretKey: FieldElement42 ): Promise<Proof> {43 // Offload computation to Web Worker44 return new Promise((resolve) => {45 const worker = new Worker('/sigma-worker.ts');46 worker.postMessage({ secretKey });47 worker.onmessage = (e) => resolve(;48 });49 }50}
Zero-Knowledge Proof Visualization
Commitment Phase
Challenge Phase
Response Phase
Color Legend
6.2 Confidential Transactions
Using TypeScript for type safety:
1interface ConfidentialTransaction {2 // Pedersen commitment components3 interface PedersenCommitment {4 value: FieldElement;5 blinding: FieldElement;6 }78 // Range proof structure9 interface RangeProof {10 commitments: PedersenCommitment[];11 challenges: Challenge[];12 responses: FieldElement[];13 }14}1516// Transaction component with styled-components17const ConfidentialTxView = styled.div`18 display: grid;19 grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(300px, 1fr));20 gap: 1.5rem;21 padding: 2rem;22 background: ${props => props.theme.colors.background};23 border-radius: 8px;24`;2526class ConfidentialTxBuilder {27 async buildTransaction(28 amount: bigint,29 recipient: TritAddress30 ): Promise<ConfidentialTransaction> {31 // Implementation using Web Workers32 return new Promise((resolve) => {33 const worker = new Worker('/tx-builder-worker.ts');34 worker.postMessage({ amount, recipient });35 worker.onmessage = (e) => resolve(;36 });37 }38}
6.3 Ring Signatures and Stealth Addresses
Ring Signature Implementation
Leveraging Next.js API routes:
1interface RingSignature {2 // Ring structure3 interface Ring {4 members: TritAddress[];5 signature: FieldElement[];6 keyImage: FieldElement;7 }89 // Signature generation10 async function generateSignature(11 message: Buffer,12 ring: Ring,13 secretKey: FieldElement14 ): Promise<RingSignature>;15}1617// API route for ring signature verification18export default async function handler(19 req: NextApiRequest,20 res: NextApiResponse<RingVerificationResponse>21) {22 const { signature, message, ring } = req.body;2324 try {25 const isValid = await verifyRingSignature(signature, message, ring);26 res.status(200).json({ isValid });27 } catch (error) {28 res.status(400).json({ error: error.message });29 }30}3132// React component for ring visualization33const RingVisualizer: React.FC<{34 ring: Ring;35 signature: RingSignature;36}> = ({ ring, signature }) => {37 return (38 <StyledRing>39 <RingMembers members={ring.members} />40 <SignatureDisplay signature={signature} />41 <KeyImageView image={signature.keyImage} />42 </StyledRing>43 );44};
6.4 Ternary Steganography
Built with our React/TypeScript stack:
1interface TritStego {2 // Steganographic embedding3 interface EmbeddingParams {4 data: Buffer;5 cover: TritSequence;6 key: StegKey;7 }89 // Extraction parameters10 interface ExtractionParams {11 stego: TritSequence;12 key: StegKey;13 length: number;14 }15}1617class TritSteganography {18 // Embed data in ternary sequence19 async embed(20 params: EmbeddingParams21 ): Promise<TritSequence> {22 return new Promise((resolve) => {23 const worker = new Worker('/stego-worker.ts');24 worker.postMessage(params);25 worker.onmessage = (e) => resolve(;26 });27 }2829 // Extract hidden data30 async extract(31 params: ExtractionParams32 ): Promise<Buffer> {33 return new Promise((resolve) => {34 const worker = new Worker('/stego-worker.ts');35 worker.postMessage(params);36 worker.onmessage = (e) => resolve(;37 });38 }39}4041// Visualization component42const StegoVisualizer: React.FC<{43 original: TritSequence;44 stego: TritSequence;45}> = ({ original, stego }) => {46 return (47 <StyledStegoView>48 <SequenceComparison49 original={original}50 modified={stego}51 />52 <DifferenceHighlight53 sequences={[original, stego]}54 />55 </StyledStegoView>56 );57};
Integration with Modern Stack
Our privacy technologies are fully integrated with our technology stack:
- Next.js server-side rendering for optimal performance
- React components for interactive visualizations
- TypeScript for end-to-end type safety
- Styled-components for consistent UI
- Web Workers for intensive computations
- Comprehensive test coverage
Key features:
- Full TypeScript type checking
- React hooks for state management
- Server-side rendering optimization
- Responsive visualization components
- Internationalization support
- Automated security testing