Whitepaper > Security and Auditing
Security and Auditing
T/ECC Protocol
Type: Ternary Elliptic Curve CryptographyQuantum-Safe
Implementation Status100%
Hash Key Space
Binary (2^256)~1.16 x 10^77
Trinary (3^2187)~3.45 x 10^1045
Quantum Resistance
T/ECC Implementation100%
Network Security
Quantum-Safe Routing98%
Protocol Security
Zero-Knowledge Proofs95%
Security Status
System Status: Optimal
All security systems operational with maximum quantum resistance
Last updated: 3/8/2025, 2:27:11 PM
Comprehensive Security Analysis
Our security infrastructure leverages the power of balanced ternary computing combined with advanced cryptographic techniques to provide unparalleled protection against both classical and quantum threats.