Whitepaper > Economic Model

Economic Model

Economic Metrics

Power Consumption Analysis

Basic Logic Gates42.9% reduction
Binary: 0.7 mW/gate
Ternary: 0.4 mW/gate
Memory Access34.4% reduction
Binary: 3.2 mW/op
Ternary: 2.1 mW/op
ALU Operations39.3% reduction
Binary: 2.8 mW/op
Ternary: 1.7 mW/op
Data Transfer40.0% reduction
Binary: 1.5 mW/byte
Ternary: 0.9 mW/byte
Our economic metrics visualization provides real-time comparisons between binary and ternary systems across power consumption, cost analysis, and efficiency metrics. The visualization uses Sierpinski triangles to represent the fractal nature of our economic scaling.

9.1 Token Economics

Implementation Architecture

Built with our Next.js/TypeScript stack:

1interface TokenEconomics {
2 // Supply management
3 interface SupplySchedule {
4 maxSupply: TritValue;
5 circulatingSupply: TritValue;
6 inflationRate: number;
7 blockReward: TritValue;
8 }
10 // Distribution mechanism
11 interface Distribution {
12 validators: number; // 30%
13 treasury: number; // 20%
14 development: number; // 15%
15 community: number; // 35%
16 }
Our token economics implementation leverages Web Workers for complex calculations while maintaining UI responsiveness through React components.

9.2 Governance System


Using our React/TypeScript architecture:

1interface GovernanceSystem {
2 // Proposal structure
3 interface Proposal {
4 id: ProposalId;
5 title: string;
6 description: string;
7 changes: ProposedChange[];
8 votes: Map<TritAddress, Vote>;
9 status: ProposalStatus;
10 }
12 // Voting mechanism
13 interface Vote {
14 weight: TritValue;
15 choice: VoteChoice;
16 timestamp: number;
17 }
20// Next.js API route for proposal management
21export default async function handler(
22 req: NextApiRequest,
23 res: NextApiResponse<ProposalResponse>
24) {
25 const { method, proposal } = req.body;
27 try {
28 switch (method) {
29 case 'create':
30 const result = await createProposal(proposal);
31 res.status(200).json({ result });
32 break;
33 case 'vote':
34 const voteResult = await castVote(proposal.id, proposal.vote);
35 res.status(200).json({ result: voteResult });
36 break;
37 default:
38 res.status(400).json({ error: 'Invalid method' });
39 }
40 } catch (error) {
41 res.status(400).json({ error: error.message });
42 }
45// React component for governance interface
46const GovernancePortal: React.FC<{
47 proposals: Proposal[];
48}> = ({ proposals }) => {
49 return (
50 <StyledGovernance>
51 <ProposalList proposals={proposals} />
52 <VotingInterface />
53 <GovernanceMetrics data={proposals} />
54 </StyledGovernance>
55 );

9.3 Validator Economics


Built with our Next.js/TypeScript stack:

1interface ValidatorEconomics {
2 // Validator state
3 interface ValidatorState {
4 address: TritAddress;
5 stake: TritValue;
6 delegations: Map<TritAddress, TritValue>;
7 rewards: TritValue;
8 uptime: number;
9 }
11 // Slashing conditions
12 interface SlashingCondition {
13 type: SlashType;
14 penalty: number;
15 evidence: Evidence;
16 }
19// Validator management system
20class ValidatorManager {
21 private readonly validators: Map<TritAddress, ValidatorState>;
23 async distributeRewards(
24 block: TritBlock
25 ): Promise<Map<TritAddress, TritValue>> {
26 // Implementation using Web Workers
27 return new Promise((resolve) => {
28 const worker = new Worker('/reward-distribution-worker.ts');
29 worker.postMessage({ block, validators: this.validators });
30 worker.onmessage = (e) => resolve(e.data);
31 });
32 }
34 async handleSlashing(
35 validator: TritAddress,
36 condition: SlashingCondition
37 ): Promise<SlashingResult> {
38 // Slashing implementation
39 const state = this.validators.get(validator);
40 return this.executeSlashing(state, condition);
41 }
44// React component for validator dashboard
45const ValidatorDashboard: React.FC<{
46 validators: Map<TritAddress, ValidatorState>;
47}> = ({ validators }) => {
48 return (
49 <StyledDashboard>
50 <ValidatorList validators={validators} />
51 <StakingInterface />
52 <RewardCalculator />
53 <SlashingHistory />
54 </StyledDashboard>
55 );
58// Staking interface with styled-components
59const StakingInterface = styled.div`
60 display: grid;
61 grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(300px, 1fr));
62 gap: 2rem;
63 padding: 2rem;
64 background: ${props => props.theme.colors.background};
65 border-radius: 8px;
66 box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

Delegation System

1interface DelegationSystem {
2 // Delegation operations
3 async function delegate(
4 validator: TritAddress,
5 amount: TritValue
6 ): Promise<DelegationResult>;
8 async function undelegate(
9 validator: TritAddress,
10 amount: TritValue
11 ): Promise<UndelegationResult>;
13 async function redelegate(
14 from: TritAddress,
15 to: TritAddress,
16 amount: TritValue
17 ): Promise<RedelegationResult>;
20// React component for delegation interface
21const DelegationPortal: React.FC<{
22 validators: ValidatorState[];
23 delegations: DelegationState[];
24}> = ({ validators, delegations }) => {
25 return (
26 <StyledDelegation>
27 <ValidatorSelector validators={validators} />
28 <DelegationForm />
29 <RewardProjection delegations={delegations} />
30 </StyledDelegation>
31 );

Integration with Modern Stack

Our economic model is fully integrated with our technology stack:

  • Next.js for server-side rendering
  • React components for interactive interfaces
  • TypeScript for type safety
  • Styled-components for consistent UI
  • Web Workers for complex calculations
  • Comprehensive monitoring system

Key features:

  • Full TypeScript support
  • React hooks for state management
  • Server-side rendering optimization
  • Real-time data visualization
  • Internationalization support
  • Automated economic simulations